Thursday, November 27, 2014

Top 5 Thanksgiving Fails

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Everyone knows that the holidays can be stressful, but we can always find comfort in seeing the Thanksgiving fails of others. So, if for nothing else, be thankful that you haven't done these Thanksgiving fails...or have you?

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5. Burnt Beyond Recognition. Has your turkey ever caught on fire, or been burnt to the point that it no longer resembles a turkey at all? How do you recover from a crispy, extinguished, turkey. This is one that you can never live down. (No one was seriously injured its okay to laugh). At least you won't have to worry about any salmonella poisoning this year.

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4. Where's the Giblets? Still inside the turkey... This happened to me a few years ago, actually it was my first time cooking Thanksgiving dinner on my own, and I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. The result....giblet gravy...inside the turkey. My husband won't let me live this one down til' this day. I'm glad my name isn't something like Grace, because "Giblet Gracie" is just too easy.

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3. Hooters for Thanksgiving anyone? So, I guess I will reveal several of my own fails here. We had pre-ordered a turkey one year because I didn't feel like the responsibility of the turkey, really I was just scared I would mess up the centerpiece of Thanksgiving dinner. To make a long story short, the place lost our order, so on Thanksgiving we were left without a turkey. How do you explain the absence of the turkey on Thanksgiving, that's like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with no jelly! So, luckily Hooters is always open and at the time was right up the street. No, it wasn't a turkey, but good wings isn't a bad substitute. A pair of Hooters saved my Thanksgiving that year.

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2. Family Brawl. At any holiday get together there's going to be relatives that get on each other's last nerves. We all have that one family member that you already know if they show up for Thanksgiving it's going down. Have any of you had a good Thanksgiving family brawl? I'm all for a good brawl, just don't mess up the food, have some manners and take the fight out to the front lawn.

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1. Who's the Drunk? Anyone ever had that guest that doesn't know when to put the bottle down at all of the holiday functions? Drunk people at the dinner table can go one or two ways: either they provide hours of endless entertainment, or they annoy the stuffing out of everyone, resulting in fail #2...a family brawl.

The holidays are for family, love, and laughter. Take this time to cherish the ones closest to you, and remember that if your turkey turns out a little dry this year, at least it didn't catch on fire. Happy Thanksgiving!!

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